Tool: Spatial Tab

An optional auxiliary tool in the Tool Panel that allows the selected map view (Centre Point and Scale Level) to be quickly and easily saved and named for easy recall.



How to use the spatial tab?

  1. Click on the tool icon in the Toolbar
  2. Select the previously created Bookmark from the drop-down list and click on it
  3. You will be zoomed in to the appropriate place

How to add a spatial bookmark?

  1. Position the Map Window in the location you wish to save as a Bookmark
  2. Click on the tool icon in the Toolbar
  3. Click “Add Bookmark”.
  4. In the new window, add a name for the bookmark
  5. Click add
  6. Your individual bookmark will be added

How to delete a spatial bookmark?

  1. Click on the tool icon in the Toolbar
  2. Select the bookmark from the list
  3. Click on the bin icon
  4. Confirm deletion
  5. The bookmark has been deleted


  1. Each User has individual Spatial Bookmarks

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