The Attribute Table is where the list of vector layer objects is displayed together with their attributes in tabular form.
The attribute table also contains additional information and tools:
- Attribute table zoom-in tool – increases the volume of the attribute table at the expense of the map window
- Attribute table shrinking tool – reduces the volume of the attribute table at the expense of the map window
- Layer name – displays the name of the layer whose objects can be seen in the attribute table.
- Object counter
- Basic filter tool
- Advanced filter tool
- Filter clean-up tool – removes all filters applied to the layer.
- Selection tool
- Remove selection tool – removes selections from objects.
- Tool to display only selected objects
- Tool to select all objects
- Tool to zoom in on selected objects – zooms in on objects that have been selected
- Tool to add attachment to selected objects
- Editing tools panel
- Quick search tool
- Export to CSV tool
- Export to SHP tool
- Reset columns setting tool
- Set the order of columns
- Other tools resulting from the settings of additional modules